Retired Guardians
Labradoodle Lovers dogs now sitting sweet in retirement
Soon to be found in Baxter & Bella training videos, she is not sitting idle in retirement and likes to have a project on-the-go! At her ripe old age, the future looks bright for Kiah.
One word to describe Kiah: Loving
Daisy G
Daisy will be found in the hills of Mt Pleasant or down at the beach in Sumner with her family, the Shewans. Daisy is our first Guardian girl who matured into a Mumma with three litters. Daisy was born on 9 August 2018 and retired from our breeding programme after her last litter in August 2021.
Describing Daisy G: a fun-loving companion
Sister to Maggie, Pip is our mini labradoodle who packs a punch with her sweet nature. Pip was born on 9 March 2019 and will retire from our breeding programme in late 2022 after her last litter. Pip your puppies are a remarkable legacy you have passed on, thank you for being unapologetically adorable
One word to describe Pip: Sweet
Doris, will be found on her viewing platform in her bay window watching all that happens in her street in Strowan. She is the much loved family companion of the Delvin family. Sadly Doris did not get to pass her genes on as mother nature decided she was not to be a mum. We love you Doris thank you for being a part of the team.
One word to describe Doris: Playful
Roise, you have gifted us with many much loved family fur friends for our Labradoodle Lovers extended families. You will find Rosie in St Albans living with her big sister from another mister Magnolia.
One word to describe Rosie: Affectionate, loyal and playful
Albie sired 2 litters for us. He will continue to live his best life with the Blocklands in Christchurch, he loves muddy puddles, His horses and his humans.. Thank you Albie
One word to describe Albie: Playful
Will be found anywhere Daniel is, unless Daniel is at work – they are the best of friends. Sebastian loves the whiff of any adventure, be it to the top of Rapaki track, frolicking in waves at the beach, or helping with chores around the property.
One word to describe Sebastian: Loyal
Maggie lives in Strowan, Christchurch with her family, the Preddys. Maggie is our little pocket rocket with many of the traits of her father, Sebastian: loyalty and faithfulness run strong, along with an insatiable appetite for running fast! Maggie was born on 9 March 2019 and will retire from our breeding programme in late 2021.
One word to describe Maggie: Affectionate
Will be found by the fire when it’s cold, at the beach when it’s hot, by Robert's side when he wants to play or cuddle up. Daisy has gifted us with love, learnings and devotion she is such a stunning dog inside and out our blonde bomb shell – a beautiful mother and now takes the role of resident great grand mother.
One word to describe Daisy: Gentle
Ivy will be found by Sophie's side - her best friend and her companion. Ivy gifted us with a special litter in 2021 and has since retired so she can live her best life as a companion. Thank you Ivy, you are one wee pup that packs a punch of love.
One word to describe Ivy: Unwavering
A few things we love about Frank is his ability to show the world chivalry is not dead, I have never met such a gentleman, he is always up for an adventure and there is not an aggressive bone in his body – Frank is overflowing with love and kindness we absolutely love frank's temperament!
Frank has been mentoring Junior as he has now passed the baton over to him. All the good in Frank has been passed down to Junior. Thank you Frank.
One word to describe Frank: Loyal & caring
Teddy what a wonderful mark you have left on our breeding program. You and your family have been so wonderful to work with and we look forward to meeting your progeny in 2024 and beyond. You may see Teddy around Clearwater in Christchurch living his best life with his family the Franks.
One word to describe Teddy: Gentle